Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Food for thought....

There is a story behind every person, on why they are the way they are. Think before you made snide remarks about others, because words can be painful and can destroy relationships and leave a scar. Matthew 7:1-6  clearly states, “Do not judge, or you will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured to you”.

So,the next time you're about to boil over and insensibly bargain a rickshaw puller for charging you a little extra, think about how the poor guy must’ve had a really rough year, supporting his five children with a meagre 400 rupees a day. Think about how he must have had a terrible day, working under the scorching sun despite being sick and that he must be needing the money so much more than you do.

Before you call that pregnant lady who works  at the bank rude and pretentious, does it ever occur to you that she might just be having a bad day, perhaps financial problems, some issues with her family, a drunken husband maybe or whatever reason that cease her to smile. It was just your luck that you caught her at that time she was in a crappy mood. She might not always be like that.

Before you chew on a juicy story about how your colleague really got fired, how that girl in your class do not wear good clothes or where someone’s boyfriend was seen after the party, before you speak, ask yourself… is it kind, is it really necessary, is it helpful or will I hurt someone ?

*Some very common wrong judgments people make :*

People make snap judgements that all night owls are lazy, pretentious and unproductive. This is not true because being a night person myself, many of my best writings are done at 2 in the morning and a recent study says that 70 percent of the scientists in America are night owls :-)

It is wrong to say that only 12 year olds listen to Taylor Swift and how people listening to her  have really no taste in music.  How does a person’s taste in music makes him any more  intelligent or define who he or she is ? :-)


  1. but sometimes they cheated u into paying more money that should not be excused

  2. How come u always end up wid Taylor Swift?..:D

  3. Heti zawng a ngaihtuah zel dawn te chuan a.. :P

  4. "People make snap judgements that all night owls are lazy, pretentious and unproductive. This is not true because being a night person myself, many of my best writings are done at 2 in the morning..."

    I can relate to this...:)


Please write your thoughts, it means a lot..