Thursday 10 May 2012

Quarter life crisis....

Being 23 is tough. You feel weird when people actually treat you like an adult, at the same time you realise you aren’t that young anymore, when you actually have to decipher your 16 year old brother’s facebook status as if it’s some kind of long lost language and you’re like “What on earth is he trying to say?” 

You spent your entire childhood with eager anticipation for your sweet 16th birthday, and then you turn 18, which was cool because you could now get married and you get to vote and have a driving license. Then you turn 20, and then 21, which was still cool. At 22 you’re in final year college, so it’s still okay.

Then, “OUCH! “

Before you know it you’re 23 and then it’s not so cool anymore because the next year you’ll be 24 and then 25 the next, which means by the time you finish your education, get settled and establish your career, you’d be like almost 30 which is such a profound transition.

What makes it even harder is that all your friends are getting married and having kids and you are like so single that you have absolutely no clue at all who might be your future husband, you can’t even think of a single guy to whom there might be a rare probability that you'll get married to. Forget about getting married, you don’t even have a person whom you are texting on the phone who might someday be your boyfriend. So, when people ask why you're single or why you are still not married, you'd tell them how you are not really interested and how perfectly happy you are on your own but deep down, that isn't actually the case:-)

I am not usually this pessimistic but being a girl, these things occasionally do occupy your mind, quite frequently. sigh!


  1. And this one is age musing? :-P Why do everyone talks about "Getting Married"?? Is that the only in life we need to achieve? Come on, open your eyes and look into the world.. there are so much more we need to complete before we settle down. :-)

    and come on, you're just 23 :-) 18 years and 60 months young :-) I've been 18 for many years now. :-D

    1. @Alejendro,ur male so u probably wont understand:-)

    2. I am male, but that doesn't make the world any less complicated. I still picture as a husband, giving a piggy-ride to my little boy. I am zealous when I see my friends have their own family, but I can't right now. So I live and learn to enjoy whatever comes on my path. May be one day I will have someone to grow old with, or may be I will alone. Come what may, make the life gay. :-)

  2. I second alejendro..:)

  3. How are u?.. And howz ur coll?..

  4. If it's any consolation, I felt exactly the same at 21...ancient! But I'm 33 now, and believe me, getting old gets better with time. I don't feel half as old as I felt in my 20's :D

    By the way, I read all your posts, and they were all great reads. Nice, easy use of the English language, and good stories too. Impressive for a wee 23 year old :)

    1. @Diary,dats very sweet of you,gud to know im not the only one..i feel lot better now:-D

  5. Im 22 now... even I am starting to feel mighty old... :(

    1. Kim keimah ang rual i lo nih ve hunah taylor swift te i ngaihsang tawh loh hunah i la hrethiam ve mai ang:D

  6. Waiting impatiently for ur next one!.. Whrz it boihte?.. Pen it soon..:)

  7. gee! diz is exactly how i feel. i just turn 23 n life's so boring n dunno life seems hopeless. I totally undastnd diz feeling.

    1. Don't worry its just a phase.with time everything will be just fine:-)


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